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Vintage Lenses Reviews

Buying the right lens to suit your photography is really important. Our lens reviews offer independent views with hands-on opinion and honest verdicts aimed to give you all the important information you need to make the best buying decisions, and may help you find a hidden gem.

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John Riley has been putting a classic, 1970s Tair 3C 300mm F/4.5 vintage lens to the test on the much more modern Sony A7R III.



John Riley has been combining the old with the new, putting the Minolta AF 28mm F/2 vintage lens to the test on the 42MP Sony A7R III mirrorless camera.


John Riley has been putting the vintage Olympus Zuiko 75-150mm F/4 lens to the test on a much more modern Sony A7R III camera to find out how good it performs in the more modern world.



The Sony A350 camera has been partnered with the Sigma AF 400mm f/5.6 to find out how this vintage lens from the nineties performs.


Jonh Riley has been playing around with the vintage Minolta AF 50mm f/1.4 lens on the modern Sony A7R III 42MP to find out if it can still capture decent photos.


John Riley has been putting the vintage SMC Pentax-FA 70-200mm f/4-5.6 Power Zoom lens to the test that he purchased for under £50.


John Riley reviews the SMC Pentax-FA 24-90mm f/3.5-4.5 AL [IF] vintage lens for full-frame SLR/DSLRs.


John Riley reviews the Pentax 05 Toy Lens Telephoto 18mm f/8 lens for Pentax Q cameras. A budget toy lens for a compact mirrorless camera system, is it worth a second look?


John Riley reviews the vintage Yashica Auto-Yashinon 5.5cm f/1.8 lens, a manual focus 55mm f/1.8 prime lens from the 60s, how does it perform in the digital age? Find out here.


John Riley reviews the Tokina SZ-X SD 28-105mm f/4-5.3 Vintage Lens, a full-frame film-era lens, that fits quite nicely onto a modern mirrorless camera.


John Riley reviews the Pentax SMC P-FA 20-35mm f/4.0 AL "Vintage" lens, with the full-frame Pentax K-1 DSLR.


John Riley takes the vintage Vivitar 28-200mm f/3.5-5.3 lens on a trip to Wales to find out how it compares with zoom lenses of today.
